Northeast Intelligence’s brochure describes our full range of investigative services.

Litigation Support
Litigation presents many challenges for both attorneys as well as their clients. The enormous costs, substantial risks, and time devoted to the investigation of alleged misconduct can adversely effect the day-to-day operations of a business. Moreover, adverse media reports concerning pending or prospective litigation based on unsubstantiated claims, speculation, or rumor can effect the company’s stock price and public perception, and distract employees, senior managers, officers, and others from their principal business functions. In each case, our investigative team provides the client and their counsel with timely and critical information that can be used to effectively rebut frivolous claims, dismiss speculation, and quell rumors.
NEIG works closely with our client’s senior management and its legal counsel. After identifying the issues, evaluating the problem, and clearly defining the client’s objectives, we develop an investigative plan designed to answer the most important questions in any investigation (who, what, when, where, why, and how). Working at the direction of and in collaboration with our client and their counsel, our investigators identify and interview all potential witnesses, retrieve and review critical documents, and analyze electronic data. In addition, NEIG will propose an effective risk mitigation strategy. Importantly, we communicate with our client regularly throughout the investigation.
Clients and their lawyers benefit from the breadth and scope of the NEIG’s investigative services. Our investigative team consists of former prosecutors and FBI agents, experienced litigation attorneys, forensic accountants, and cyber security and computer forensic professionals. Our investigative teams provide law firms and their clients with resources that reach around the world to gather relevant and useful information. The information gathered and provided to counsel allows attorneys to better prepare their strategy, develop persuasive arguments, and often strengthens their client’s bargaining or settlement position.
As part of our comprehensive litigation support services we can:
- Devise, develop, and implement a comprehensive and effective discovery plan
- Identify, locate, and interview witnesses (including present and former employees)
- Identify, retrieve, secure, and review documents
- Conduct e-Discovery
- Provide our client and their counsel with progress reports
- Augment the investigation with appropriate forensic and cyber investigators
- Prepare written investigative reports that include risk reduction and mitigation solutions
- Provide factual and expert testimony in court and at arbitration and mediation proceedings